
Morning QT Movement

*Transform your life

*Transform the culture

*Transform the world for Jesus

Our era needs a movement of young people who can get up early to awake the dawn.

Getting up early to pray to God and to meditate on God’s Word is something the people of God had practiced in both the old and new testament eras.

In the wilderness from Egypt to Canaan, God trained his people to get up early in the morning every day to gather manna. The Bible records that the manna came with the morning dew, and it melts away as the sun grew hot. That means, if the people of God got up late, they would have nothing to eat that day!

Our Lord Jesus Himself is a morning person, the Bible records that He “got up early in the morning, while it was still dark” to pray to His Heavenly Father, and it also records that people gathered “early in the morning” to hear Him preach at the temple. If you examine the phrase “early in the morning,” you will realize that it is a time that a lot of important events happened to God’s people. Morning time is the beginning of a day. If we win the battle in the morning, we are likely to win the battle of a day.

But today, as the night culture dominates the lives of many young people, we are losing mornings. We urgently need this movement to change not only the lives of individual Christians, but cultures, and eventually the whole world for our Lord!

At YD, we are blessed greatly with the grace and power of God, which He gives to our members each morning, and we want to invite you to join this early morning QT movement, to transform your life, transform the culture you’re in, and transform the whole world for our Lord together!

Joining this movement is simple: *Get up each day before 6 AM at your local time.

*Join YD morning QT each day – listen to the Word of God, meditate on it, and pray. *Pray each day for the salvation of 5 friends who have not received Jesus Christ as their Savior yet.  

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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