
YD USA Retreat in Colorado: A Testimony of God’s Goodness

YD USA held a memorable retreat in Colorado over the July 4th weekend, drawing participants from across the United States and Europe. The event was filled with worship, prayer, delicious meals, and impactful Bible studies. After gathering at the headquarters, the group ventured into the majestic Rocky Mountains, where they hiked, played games, and prayed together. One of the most significant moments was a baptism in a serene lake in the mountains, where a brother publicly declared his faith.

The participants took time after the retreat to reflect on their experiences, and many testified of the Lord’s goodness throughout their journey. Below are some personal reflections from attendees who shared how the retreat impacted their faith.

Hadia’s Reflection:

Redrock Amphitheatre
Young Disciples retreat participants pose in front of the Redrock Amphitheatre.

“From the beginning of my Bible studies with Young Disciples, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting wonderful people and sharing insights from Scripture. When the opportunity arose to visit Denver for this retreat, my heart was filled with excitement. As I prepared, I knew I needed to trust God for provision along the way—and He faithfully provided. All I needed to do was rest in His blessings.

This retreat experience challenged my current path, but the Lord reassured me that it was essential for my growth. Throughout the weekend, I felt the love, passion, and care of this group in Christ. The open and welcoming atmosphere made it easy to cherish every moment. I was eager to meet new people, learn from them, and most importantly, worship God together. Even though we were strangers, the Spirit revealed a shared longing for the Lord, which brought me immense peace and joy.

Zadi’s Reflection:

My key takeaway from this retreat is to continue praying for those involved in mission work. I want to cultivate a faith like our ancestors—trusting that God is actively involved in our lives, fulfilling His promises, and rewarding those who believe in His Word.”

“This retreat was a significant leap of faith for my sister and me. We embarked on a long journey to meet brothers and sisters in Christ whom we had never met before. But because of our shared hunger for more of the Lord, connecting with them was natural and easy. Having attended many church retreats, this experience was slightly different due to the dynamics and structures. However, it was an overwhelmingly encouraging and motivating experience.

Throughout our journey, the LORD proved His goodness and faithfulness in every single circumstance. I personally grew deeper in my understanding of the faith passed down from our ancestors, which challenged my mindset and prompted me to take more active steps with the LORD. God spoke to me not only through the retreat activities but also through the lives of various pastors we encountered. This experience has inspired and refreshed me, as I connected with followers of Christ outside my own community. It also provided a new sense of mission, as I strive to actively work towards the extension of His kingdom.

I don’t know what the future holds—it’s in God’s hands—but I am certain that kingdom connections do not go to waste, and the LORD will use this new network for His glory.”

Pan from Missouri:

“The retreat was an inspiring and uplifting experience for me. With a focus on the ancestors of faith—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—the messages deeply encouraged me and reminded me of God’s faithfulness and the strength of unwavering faith. This led me to live more intentionally with the awareness of God’s presence and mercy.

Spending time with other YD members and newcomers, while living, studying, repenting, and playing together, filled me with true joy. I experienced the wonderful unity in Christ and was grateful for the support and love of the YD leaders and members.”

Bror from Florida:

“This was a very meaningful retreat, and I feel that I received a lot of grace from the Lord. One of the key things I learned was that God’s presence is real. He was with each of the ancestors in Genesis—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—and intervened in their lives in very tangible ways. Each of these men lived in love and honor of God, and they feared the Lord. As I reflected on their grace-filled lives, I wanted to return to that fear of God and a heart devoted to loving the Lord.

God’s way is more graceful than the world’s way. While the path of faith can involve suffering, God brings comfort to those who trust in Him. I witnessed this firsthand through the people at the retreat, who either verbally testified of God’s peace or demonstrated it in our conversations and fellowship. After this retreat, I feel more firmly rooted in my identity in Christ and more determined to proclaim His Gospel to others. I also thoroughly enjoyed the meals, the beauty of God’s creation, and the time spent lifting up Jesus’ name.”

Abel received baptism at Lake Avon in Vail, Colorado.

Abel’s Reflection

“As I reflected on our time together during the retreat, I was glad that we studied the ancestors of faith. Firm faith in God is something I desire deeply but often struggle to maintain. Disbelief and doubt creep in, even as I see God’s wonderful workings in the lives of the ancestors. I was encouraged to have faith in the resurrection and to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, as He leads us through the Holy Spirit. I was reminded to grow in humility and recognize the preciousness of our blessings.

Suffering reveals the true state of our hearts, and through my own deep suffering and pain, God has shown me my pride and arrogance. Like Jacob, I have received comfort to endure present sufferings with hope and to grow in understanding God’s heart for us. I cherish the moments of knowing Jesus in the deep valleys of life, where hope seems lost. Entrusting the resurrection and God’s sovereignty over our current problems brings comfort. Our experiences can even serve as a comfort to others.

The retreat encouraged me to continue trusting God, seeking forgiveness, and asking for endurance. It reminded me to set aside the sin that entangles and run the race by faith, trusting that God will finish the good work He has begun in us. I was also encouraged to understand true repentance and mourn over the sins of the world and my own. I believe that God is doing something new in us, and overall, the retreat encouraged me to maintain firm faith in His promises.”

Pastor Nancy (San Francisco):

“I received abundant grace during the retreat. Through the message, I realized that the ancestors of faith endured great suffering, but they overcame it by trusting in God. This realization gave me strength because there are times when life feels tough, and I have many questions about the suffering we face. However, the lives of the ancestors of faith showed me the path I should follow. I hope to be a person who lives by faith, no matter the circumstances, and glorifies God in every situation.”

The testimonies shared from this retreat are a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness in our lives. As we continue to pursue Him and support one another in mission work, we are confident that God is moving, fulfilling His promises, and using our lives for His glory.

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