
Meditation On Cross of Lord Jesus During Lent

The Lenten period has come. Young Disciples members around the world are meditating on the cross of Jesus Christ.

The first day of Lent is called Ash Wednesday. The early church sprinkled dust on the heads of the penitent believers, much like the fasting and repentance of Biblical times. The repentance of 40 days begins with Ash Wednesday.

From Ash Wednesday to Easter, excluding 6 Sundays when each Lord’s Day celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is exactly 40 days. As the period of commemorating the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Lent is a festival of fasting, prayer, meditation and self-denial in the Spring.

Participating members at the time were encouraged to meditate more, reflecting on their faults, cultivate self-control, and pursue higher moral personality, just as Lord Jesus fasted 40 days and nights in the wilderness.

Every year during this period, the Jesuits meditate on Jesus’s suffering and the Lord’s deep love for us on the cross. Although it is easier to see the glorious resurrection than the cross, it is only by deeply understanding the death of Jesus’s cross that we can truly feel the joy of resurrection.

Lent was spelt “Lencten” which meant “Spring”. It describes the passing of a cold winter and the subsequent revival of all things. It is hoped that during this period, each member of Young Disciples International will understand the cross of Jesus more, take root in the faith and grow upward, and spiritually bear abundant fruits.

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