
YD Press

Reporter Network

For the missionary that are sent on field missions, a network of reporting system is set up to include intrane communications and online newsletter and mission reports that provide each mission field a clear overview of global missions. The network is also utilized as means for mobilizing financial support and prayer for each mission.

The reporter network serves through the collection and timely posting of mission reports around the world. Every missionary, once entering their mission field, are enrolled within the network and are given daily and weekly standards of reporting on mission progress. We believe that unity in the Lord and relationship from mission field to mission field is of utmost importance in maintaining the spiritual health of our missionaries.

The focus of Young Disciples is to allow every missionary to have a global perspective and a clear vision of the Great Commission the Lord has endowed upon us. The mission and goal to preach to the ends of the world is always communicated and the common perspective which every mission field keeps their focus to as each works in different global regions.

Journalism Team

Journalism team is the channel to which Young Disciples communicates to the student public in various universities of the mission works which are conducted. Daily the team updates the online website with most updated news from international missions and the direction of the organization activities. Also, on a monthly basis the journalism team publicizes an online newsletter that gives an overview report on all the mission progressions globally.

Through the publishing from journalism team, Young Disciples mobilizes public support and donations for the sending of missionaries to uncharted universities in need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ or to regions requiring additional assistance. We believe that the concern of the general Christian public on or off campus and the support through prayer assists our missions through the spiritual workings of the Holy Spirit.

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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